Before we discuss how to register paypal, there may be asking "What is Paypal?". Paypal is an account or rather can be regarded as an online bank that you can use to conduct online transactions, make payments online and receive payments online. Why should I use paypal? This question is often asked now that it has a lot of services such as online bank account setup, but why the hell should use paypal, or choose paypal? The reason is briefly wrote: Since paypal has been recognized as a bank account online for free is it safe comfortable and reliable, but it is because many users do not rule out paypal so many transactions online using paypal services, and the latter in the online business activities, especially on the internet - a tool mostly use the paypal payment and there my friends can see it in various sites of dollars ($), almost all of the site using the paypal as payment terms (in other words, want to get together loose change dollars on the internet? Make paypal donk!). Then what are you waiting? Immediately make right now, free kok ^
Oh yes, before it even further, there are still some questions frequently asked by some prospective users paypal. "Paypal use / receive the payment system through the eyes of what money?" accept many currencies anyway, among which are: U.S. Dollar ($), Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Euro (€), Pound Sterling (£) Yen (¥), New Zealand Dollar, Swiss Franc, Hong Kong Dollar, Dollar Singapore, Swedish Krona, Danish Krona, Polish Zloty, Norwegian Krone, Hungarian forint and Czech koruna. "Then how do I dilute / take our money in paypal account?" the answer is: Now that we as Indonesia was able to withdraw our money in a paypal account to a local bank (the Bank in Indonesia), and of course to be able to disburse the money in paypal, our paypal account must be verified first (NB: How Verification will be discussed in another post on this blog, so now how to list wrote first - step by step so you know ^).
How to Make a Paypal Account - Steps for registration is as follows:
1. Visit .
2. So will your friends will see a screen like the following page, and click Sign Up Today! To start making your paypal account:
3. Next, after you click on the link "Sign Up Today!" then the page will appear as follows:
So like the picture above: To choose the Indonesian state (when it's tersetting "Indonesia", leave it alone ") and if you want to change the language to be more easily select only Indonesia. To which the type of account, which one should I choose? Here's the explanation (quoted from
This type of personal account already you can use to send and receive money and make sales with eBay. With this type of "personal" friends be able to receive payments from other paypal account, but can not accept payments from credit or debit card. Ease to use this type of no cost / fee in any transaction that you do. However, by using the account type of "personal", your account has a limit on the number of receiving money monthly. In addition, the type is not suitable for your personal use if you want to make the sale of products in very large quantities.
This type is similar to the above type (type personal). The difference in this type you can accept payments from credit cards, debit cards and bank accounts. You can also use the shopping cart facility and tool reports the payment (payment reporting tool) Premier Accounts suitable for amateur sellers who want to sell their products on a regular basis. If you currently have a personal account, you can upgrade to a Premier account.
Type of Business Accounts suitable for large-scale business or online store. In this type you are allowed to use it on your business name, and use the reports and eBay tools without any requirements on the types of transactions. You will be charged in using this type of account. If you currently have a Personal or Premier account, you can upgrade to a Business account.
PayPal does not charge the buyer in sending money to the seller. PayPal will charge a fee to you as a seller (beneficiary) by 1.9% to 2.9% of the amount of money received.
From the above description of course you already have a picture, with the type of account which is more suitable for you. If still confused, and you have a hobby like collecting coins dollars, I recommend choosing the type of account with primier.
4. After you select the type / types of accounts that you feel is appropriate for you, then the next page will appear as follows:
-. Email Address: Enter your current email address. These email addresses will be used to login as well as the address that will be used to transact your money.
-. Choose Password: Type the password of your choice. This is used for login / entry to your account later.
Enter a word -. Repeat Password: Verify password of your choice earlier.
-. First Name: Enter your first name, eg: your name "Flowers Citra Lestari", then fill with "Flowers".
-. Middle Name: Enter the image (see example above). If you do not have a name Tengan, emptied it.
-. Last Name: Enter Lestari (see example above). Customize with your last name!
-. Date of birth: Enter your birth date. If you have selected the Indonesian language in the creation account, it is your birth date format is MM / DD / YYYY (month / day / year), for example: 12/24/1945
-. Nationality: Select "Indonesia". Klaau already, leave it alone.
-. Address Line 1: Fill in the address of where you live.
-. Line 2 Address: fill in with another address where you live (not mandatory in content).
-. City: Enter your city.
-. State / Province / Region: Fill in your province.
-. Postal Code: Enter your zip code (usually there are 5 digits), eg 53 219
-. Phone number: fill in your telephone number (this is important, because one day be used as a means to contact you), format: If your number 0813547653763846, then just fill in the blank box: 813,547,653,763,846 (because zero is converted Automatic / available with form Indonesia country code: +62)
-Click the "Agree and Create Account"
5. Next you will reach a page like the following. If the address you have provided does not match that appear on the page, click "Change". If appropriate, just click the link "Go to my Account" (suppose to verify paypal account later).
6. Next, you will be brought to your paypal account page. What to do now is confirm your email address. To conduct a confirmation email, click on the link "Confirm email address"
And will be taken to the page konvirmasi email address and click "continue":
6. Please go to your email address to get a "Confirmation code":
a. Click on incoming emails
b. Take the confirmation code
7. Once you get a "Confirmation Code" then paste the code into a form that has been provided and click the button "Confirm":
8. The next page will appear a notice that "you have successfully confirmed your email address". And on this page you will be prompted to "update your account information". The way is easy, select the question that's easy to remember by you (but hard for others). Then type in your answer! => Click "Save"
9. After you click the "Submit", then you will be escorted to a page like the following:
Remember to verify your paypal account recently, please direct them to click on the link "Go to My Account".
Youpz, now you have a paypal account. Has an account with paypal, now you can use it to save your money (dollar coins, hehehe ...), enjoy.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Sekarangkan status of your paypal account "Unverified" aka terverivikasi yet, therefore your paypal account must be verified first. "Why must be verified, and how to verify it?" Must be verified so that you can conduct transactions smoothly, if it has not been verified then you can not send money but can receive. In addition, your account also has a limit to receive the money that is up to $ 100 only. In addition, if you have not been verified paypal account, then you will not be able to take / withdraw your money in your paypal account. And for memvefikasinya you need a credit card! "Waaaaah ... I do not have a credit card !!!". Just relax, there are still other ways anyway, namely to verify paypal account using VCC. With VCC we can verify our paypal account, we need only verify once and for all. In addition to using VCC as a verification tool that is easy, too-expensive price is not very expensive really. Ranged from Rp 70 to Rp hundred thousand-thousand more, cheaper is not it?
For how to verify paypal account will be discussed in another post on this blog. Enjoy your paypal account anda_
READ: How Easy Paypal verification